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is it true that Blaster always hit? I tend to miss my targets a lot.
01/17/2017, 23:12:18

    tp writes:

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This question has two parts: "Does a blaster beam always hit its target?" and "Does a blast from a blaster always get through and cause damage?"
01/18/2017, 04:24:25

    Peter2 writes:

    The blaster does energy damage, and TTBOMK there is no resistance against that, so if it hits, it should do full damage. But an individual shot from a blaster does very little damage, and they are very poor weapons to use in turn-based mode. Their advantage is that their recovery time is exceptionally short; they fire very quickly, and they do horrendous damage in real-time combat.

    As to whether the autotargeting routine that comes into play when you hold down the A key has a built-in "miss" percentage, I have no idea.

    This isn't a complete answer, but I hope it helps.

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I am thinking alone the line of spell like ice bolt that always hit and toxic cloud that tend to miss 30% of the time.
01/18/2017, 08:35:35

    tp writes:

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The question has actually 3 parts.
01/18/2017, 15:48:54

    Ramillies writes:

    In order to inflict damage, you need
    1) "Physically" hit the target with the projectile. The projectile's rectangle must collide with the target's rectangle in the game world.
    2) Then you get an attack roll. Based on your + To Hit and the enemy AC, there is a certain chance to hit. The game rolls from 0 to 1 and if it rolls less than that chance, you hit.
    3) Then you get a damage roll, i. e. 3d5 + 8 for the pistol and 4d5 + 12 for the rifle. Then, your enemy gets a series of rolls for resistance. (It works like this: they roll against a certain chance, and if they are lucky, the damage is cut to 1/2 and they can roll again. This continues until the damage is cut to 1/16 or they fail the roll.)

    The only advantage of blasters over other missile weapons is, as correctly stated by Peter, that they inflict energy damage and there's no resistance against that. That only means you can be sure that if you make it to the step 3), what you roll is what the enemy gets, without any reductions.

    (Of course, their other advantage is a very short recovery time, but that works the same way as in all the other missile weapons.)

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My question is in step 2.
01/19/2017, 00:16:06

    tp writes:

    For spell like ice bolt, it look like it always hit and do some (may be low damage) damage. So it appears there are two sub steps (2a). Hit or not hit ( 100% for ice bolt, 70% for Toxic cloud, ?% for blaster). (2b) High or low damage (3d5+8 for pistol, 4d5+12 for rifle). Then in step 3, the final damage was determined after considering all resistances of the target.

    Thanks for explaining the concept.

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I'm not sure that targeting is quite that simple.
01/19/2017, 06:34:15

    Peter2 writes:

    What you say about the overlap of rectangles for hitting with ranged attacks may well be true for autotargeting, but it's certainly not correct when you pick out a target with the mouse, and then click to attack. The target is not one simple rectangle; you have to actually click on some part of the monster you're fighting.

    I tried it with a Titan, and trying to fire at a point between his legs didn't work (although in real life it might have given him a very nasty moment )! I'm no expert in this, but possibly there's a whole assembly of smaller rectangles, and your missile sprite has to intersect with one of them.

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If aiming at different parts of a target makes some difference,
01/20/2017, 00:35:25

    tp writes:

    then we are going back to my last post - will aiming at the head of the Titan create more damage than aiming at his leg?

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No idea, but I suspect not.
01/20/2017, 04:39:28

    Peter2 writes:

    Machines were much slower when this game was first designed, and one of the main aims of the coding was that the game should run fast. There was all sorts of tricks available in those days, and although the Windows front end had been introduced, I suspect that extensive use was still being made of undocumented DOS calls when putting the game engine together. I strongly suspect that refinements like critical hit areas weren't even considered because of the extra computing that this would incur.

    The only clue I have is from playing MM9, and I suspect that it's not relevant.

    when I was trying to kill the dragon with Poison Cloud spells. If you targeted his torso, the cloud hit him and then passed on to the area behind him and had no further effect. If, however, you targeted his toes, the cloud stayed around the dragon and did repeated damage. So as you can see, switching the target point did have an effect, but it was an artifact of the spell and not the target's response.

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When you say it, I must agree it's true.
01/22/2017, 21:09:52

    Ramillies writes:

    No idea then. That was just my speculation based on how similar games often work. I have no proof and no contradiction

    Maybe the game is able to recognize if the missile is going into the transparent part of the monster sprite? Sadly, that would be very hard to test, so no idea again.

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Not sure if this is relevant or not:
01/25/2017, 07:30:14

    Xanax writes:

    I played a 4 knight game and when fighting Dragons, I would use a Windmaster, get the dragons in the air and then fly up under them until just their feet were visible at the very top of the screen. Then I would just flail away holding down the 'a' key. If I was positioned correctly the dragons couldn't hit me, but I seemed to do significant damage and could drop them quickly. Impossible to judge if I was doing the same damage I would have done if I'd been in the middle of their torso instead, but it seemed like it.

    As Peter notes, I'm sure it's different if you're actually using the cursor to target a specific spot; I'm not sure how that all works out.

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I'm pretty sure that.....
01/25/2017, 17:54:04

    Ossie writes:

    .....Blasters have the same 100% chance to "penetrate" (ie get through the target's defenses and cause some sort of damage) as spell-based damage such as Ice Bolt. And, as others have said, there's no resistance to energy damage as opposed to the more common cold, fire etc resistances, so your Blaster will pound-for-pound deliver greater bang for buck, in that 3d4+12 of Blaster damage will always cause 3d4+12 of damage, as opposed to 3d4+12 of spell-based damage which has a chance to be reduced by resistance.

    But there does seem to be some sort of grey zone around the edge of the sprite which isn't part of the target, and attacks directed at this grey zone may miss. What I think you're seeing is that spells with an individual enemy target must be properly targeted in the first place: you can't cast them on thin air, and the game will only "accept" the spell target if you've got it correctly locked on in the first place. Whereas physical attacks can be made (pressing A or mouse button) without needing to "properly" targeted. This doesn't seem to affect melee attacks, which also always seem to properly find their way to the target, but missile attacks (which the Blaster effectively is) can miss if they're not sufficiently centred on the target.

    So in a way, yes, you're correct in that the part of the target you focus your attack on can affect things, but it affects whether the Blaster will hit at all, not the amount of damage. Try this next time: walk up close to a large target in real time and keep the A button pressed: you should see an almost continuous stream of Blaster damage, all of which will hit because the attack is sufficiently centred on the target. Then find a smaller target - human sized of smaller, and stand some distance away, and (again in real time) keep the A button pressed while you're running around or moving the mouse around. You should see more of a strafing effect with many of the Blaster bolts flying past the target and not hitting. Same with bows. The reason you don't see this with spells is that the game stops for you to select the target - even in real time - and won't "accept" the target unless you've got it close enough to hit in the first place.

    Hope that makes sense.

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