TELP's M&M Recycling Program

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Welcome!  What can we do to help fans find copies of M&M RPGs?
Folks often visit our boards and ask where they can find these games. We all do our best to help, but it is frustrating. Vilx's replies to the thread in the MM8 Tavern were very insightful. Older games. Limited availability. Warez/Pirate copies. Reluctance to ship. Can we address these problems?

I've been thinking about what we can do and have come up with some ideas. I'm sure that some of you have done the same. Together, we should be able to devise a workable solution.

I'll start by proposing a special message board where folks can both offer M&M games for sale and post requests for certain games. This would be like classified advertisements in a newspaper. If an interested buyer and seller come to terms by themselves then that would be great, but I think our service needs to go further. If two folks unknown to each other want to strike a deal then how will they know if the other is trustworthy?

I believe several of us around the world can act as go-betweens to guarentee payment and shipment. I'll volunteer, of course, but I'll need some of you to step forward as well. I think that it would be appropriate to receive a small fee for providing this service in addition to the expense of re-shipping -- enough to compensate for your time. Something on the order of the cost of a beverage at your local RL tavern sounds about right -- like, "I'll act as your middle-man if you buy me a drink."

With such a board available we can go a little further. If someone finds a copy for sale locally then they can buy it and be assured of a place to re-sell it. We might notify sellers on eBay that they should post their games with us if they don't sell them there. I hate to think about these disks getting tossed in the trash.

Please post your ideas and comments below. I don't know of any message boards that have a similar function. If you know of one, please tell us about it. There's no reason to re-invent something that already works well somewhere else.

 •  looking for MM6,7,8,9 and HoMM 4 Gathering Storm, Winds of War; UK or US versions - Vilx ( Tue 27-Dec-05 07:03:13 )

 •  MM6 CD for free. The CD will need repairs though - DaveO ( Fri 07-Jan-05 17:26:48 )

 •  looking for..... - mm8 ( Mon 02-Aug-04 02:25:35 ) more +1

 •  Might & Magic for Macintosh - Geniene Zimmel ( Sun 13-Jun-04 20:20:29 ) more +2

 •  Looking for MM8 (and 9 if possible) - Rakhal Stormwarden ( Tue 27-Apr-04 07:32:34 ) more +4

 •  I got MM6 from Lazare ... - Wromthrax The Hit-PointLess ( Wed 14-Apr-04 06:06:45 ) more +3

 •  I've found M&M 6 and Millenium - U.S. versions - Rustavius ( Sat 10-Apr-04 09:30:52 )

 •  Perfectly prepared to act as a clearing-house for some of the UK transfers. (n/t) - Peter2 ( Sun 04-Apr-04 07:21:54 )

 •  Dragon King what are you after? - Lazare ( Thu 25-Mar-04 14:21:08 ) more +1

 •  MM6 + MM7 Available - Lazare ( Thu 25-Mar-04 14:14:52 )

 •  I can get MM6 + MM7 from a UK website0 (n/t) - Lazare ( Thu 25-Mar-04 14:10:54 )

 •  A new site to try? - Chlala ( Thu 18-Mar-04 13:30:46 ) more +1

 •  Australians looking for an original copy of MM7 read inside - Ossie ( Wed 10-Mar-04 16:42:42 )

 •  Excellent idea, Bones! - Shin-Akuma ( Sun 29-Feb-04 15:42:53 ) more +11

 •  Looking for - Dragon King ( Fri 27-Feb-04 23:22:38 ) more +16

 •  Hmmm how about this? - Aleksandar Novkovski (DaClassico) ( Sun 22-Feb-04 05:08:12 ) more +5

 •  Alright! Lets start on game selling/requests ... - Wromthrax The Hit-Pointless ( Sat 21-Feb-04 06:11:27 ) more +12

 •  Count me in Bones, I'm in the New England area. Rhode Island to be exact. n/t - Legolas ( Fri 20-Feb-04 07:59:18 ) more +1

 •  I`ll do what I can. - Fander Treespook ( Tue 17-Feb-04 00:42:50 ) +4

 •  Found something cool on Western Union on recieving money ..... - Wromthrax The Hit-Pointless ( Mon 16-Feb-04 22:40:15 ) more +3

 •  Thoughts concerning payments and shipments.... - Bones ( Mon 16-Feb-04 20:53:54 )

 •  Thanks! Your interest makes me think we'll be able to recruit enough 'regional facilitators'. - Bones ( Mon 16-Feb-04 20:53:38 ) more +5

 •  Bones I'm happy to help in principle to give you an Aussie contact point - Ossie ( Mon 16-Feb-04 19:54:51 ) more +1

 •  No guarantees mind, but I think maybe I'm in ... - Wromthrax The Hit-Pointless ( Mon 16-Feb-04 09:50:54 ) more +1

 •  This is good idea, I need these games, I borrow them all - Dunerider the Troll ( Mon 16-Feb-04 08:54:51 )

 •  Good idea. - Vilx ( Mon 16-Feb-04 01:04:44 ) more +1

 •  I'm in (n/t) - Lazare ( Mon 16-Feb-04 00:08:13 ) more +1

 •  Count me in also, boss . . Great Idea - Dragon King ( Sun 15-Feb-04 23:11:50 )

 •  OK - Klaravoyia ( Sun 15-Feb-04 20:56:20 )

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