TELP's M&M Recycling Program

Original Message:   Thanks! Your interest makes me think we'll be able to recruit enough 'regional facilitators'.
You won't be expected to dig up copies of the games to sell (although you would be welcome to do that). A buyer and seller would use you to ensure proper shipping and payment. A buyer would send you their payment and the seller would send you their game. When you had both in hand you would complete the deal by sending the payment to the seller and the game to the buyer.

It would be nice to have someone available as a go-between in every country, of course, but that would be unrealistic. We can manage with a network of fans spread across the globe. More volunteers will always be better; we can always ask Tavern regulars to help out if a special situation arises.

I think Klar and I can handle requests from the Americas. Lazarre is in UK. So is Peter2, and I'm sure he'd help out. Chlala lives in Denmark and Vilx lives in Latvia, so I think we have Europe covered pretty well. Wromthrax The Hit-Pointless can facilitate in India. I'm not sure where Dragon King lives.

We have Tavern regulars in the Middle East, Singapore and Australia who would be pleased to help out. I have other M&M contacts in several counties so I think we can deal with most situations, but don't let this discourage you if you haven't spoken up yet.

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