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Dragon King what are you after?
03/25/2004, 14:21:08

    Lazare writes:

    Hi Dragon King,

    We touched on this briefly before.

    What are you after? Let me know the details so I can start the ball rolling!!!

    I've just sent MM6 off to Wormthrax today, you are next on my 'hit list' to deal with.

    Either post here, or e-mail me at



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Hi Lazare
04/02/2004, 09:44:43

    Dragon King writes:

    I'm looking for M&M Millenium Edition and Wizardry 8. I have been to every software dealer in Manila and environs with absolutely no luck. Also I have a friend in Thailand who has been all over Bangkok - also no luck.

    My e-mail address is - name is John Brand, Sr.

    Thanks for your help - in advance . .

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