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Bones I'm happy to help in principle to give you an Aussie contact point
02/16/2004, 19:54:51

    Ossie writes:

    But I agree with previous posts about problems with payment. How exactly do you propose this would work? Person A posts that they want the game, person B posts that they have one to sell, they agree on price including postage between them, and they just use me as I guess a "trusted TELPer" to ensure that the transaction happens without one screwing the other? One sends the game, the other sends the money, once I have both I just send it the other way?

    A couple of things I guess: I wouldn't be inclinded to assist with alternative payment methods - it's really up to the 2 parties to work out what suits both, I'm simply the go-between. For this I really wouldn't want any payment, except of course to make sure that the buyer covers the cost of postage both to me from him, and then on from me to the buyer.

    I'd also hate to get caught up with faulty products, bounced cheques etc. Short of blacklisting for future transactions, this would be up to the parties to sort out.

    But let me know what you're thinking

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