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I got MM6 from Lazare ...
04/14/2004, 06:06:45

    Wromthrax The Hit-PointLess writes:

    He sent MM6 through post and I sent a draft through post ... it wasn't the quickest of ways, but it worked very well, and pretty fast too!

    If anyone else wants to deal with Lazare, I give him 5 stars .. hehe

    Well, I'm having a lot of fun playing MM6.

    See you around guys!

    Wromthrax The Hit-PointLess.

    P.S. - Dragon King did you get what you're looking for?

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  • Not yet, but - Dragon King ( Thu 15-Apr-04 07:24:24 ) +1
    • indeed ... - Wromthrax The Hit-PointLess ( Fri 16-Apr-04 05:09:48 ) +1
      • You bet, - Dragon King ( Fri 16-Apr-04 07:28:29 )