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No guarantees mind, but I think maybe I'm in ...
02/16/2004, 09:50:54

    Wromthrax The Hit-Pointless writes:

    My big problems in finding/buying/selling M&Ms are-

    [1] Even finding WAREZ/fake copies of M&M games here is nearly impossible. Originals are pretty sure to be impossibly impossible.

    [2] I'm 11, so that makes payment by just about any means pretty much impossible, But my parents have agreed to help. Lets go over the possiblilities -
    [2.a] I can't do credit cards.
    [2.b] Not even my parents do internet dealings.
    [2.c] Cheque/DD by mail might be possible, but I don't think my parents are keen on that and there's another problem - It'll be on rupees so that limits it to anyone in India.
    [2.d] Western Union Money Transfer is a big possibility, but I'll need to check that out and see where the nearest outlets in Delhi are.

    Any other possibilities ppl put up will be considered.

    Even though there hardly any real MM games in India, I can get original box-sets of Crusaders Of M&M and a couple of non-M&M RPGs (Baldur's Gate I, II, etc.) in the blink of an eye, if they are on demand. Shipping and Delivery, along with payment is being worked out by me and my parents.

    I'll see what I can do, and even though it looks grim for me, count me in!

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